Tano Tijerina Named Chairman of Texas Border Coalition, Calls for Unity and Advocacy

Mayors, Judges & Border Leaders,

It is with great pride, humility, and appreciation that I accept the honor of serving as chairman of the Texas Border Coalition (TBC). I am deeply grateful for your trust and hope to uphold the rich legacy of this organization, which has long been a steadfast advocate for our border communities.

There was a time when border cities and counties worked independently-sometimes even competing against each other for state transportation funding. That changed when a Texas State Senator told then-McAllen EDC CEO Mike Allen that if border communities united, they could secure more resources and have a stronger voice in Austin. A few months later, the Texas Border Coalition was born.

That’s why it’s so important we continue working together toward our common goals. While we each represent unique communities, TBC has always been at its strongest when we focus on what unites us—whether it’s fighting policies that increase bridge crossing times or advocating for more transportation funding to support the economic lifeline created by trade with Mexico.

Since its founding, TBC has expanded its reach beyond the Texas Legislature to Washington, D.C., as Congress and presidential administrations have increasingly turned their attention to border-related issues. The reality is we must engage in both capitals-Austin and Washington to ensure our leaders understand the real-world impact of their policies.

That was the case last year when four international bridge presidential permits got stuck in the State Department. The pern1its were for new bridges in Eagle Pass, Laredo and Brownsville, plus a permit for the expansion of the World Trade Bridge in Laredo. Thankf-ully, Senator Ted Cruz took the lead. drafted legislation and with the help of Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate, he was able to get the bill passed and signed into law that allowed the permits to be approved.

Border communities were united and worked with our congressional delegation to get the job done.

Over the years, we’ve seen leaders from both parties come and go, but our mission has remained the same: to work with whoever is in office to advance the interests of our communities. To do that effectively. we must maintain an open and ongoing dialogue.

The Texas/Mexico border is an economic pipeline for our country. As our country transitions from globalism to regionalism, more attention will be focused on our corner of the world. That’s why it’s vital that we actively play a role in shaping how the rest of the country sees the border.

Personally, I believe we need to keep pressing the Legislature, Congress and the administration on our mutual ideas, concerns and potential solutions. I see an opportunity for the Border Coalition to host meetings in Texas with state and federal leaders to ensure we are a part of the conversation and the ultimate solution. That will mean hosting these leaders in border communities and it will mean traveling to Austin and Washington as well, and I hope you are as committed as I am to protecting our border because our shared border comes with shared responsibilities.

As a proud native of Laredo and Webb County, I am committed to leading this organization with humility, resolve, and a deep respect for the work each of you does for our region. Thank you for your dedication to TBC, your advocacy on behalf of our communities, and your willingness to engage-whether at local meetings, border-wide gatherings, or fly-ins to Austin and Washington.

Together, we can continue making a difference.

Un abrazo grande,
Tano Tijerina
Webb County Judge
Chairman, Texas Border Coalition

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